Yesterday saw the third meeting of those interested in interpreting and saving the Cynthiana battlefields. This was the all important meeting to determine who was going to serve on the board, and in what capacity. While I was interested in serving as president, being an hour away does not allow me to serve in a manner that I think the president role should function, which means being local and being available to attend many of the happenings within the region. To that end, I will be serving on the board, and filling the role of membership officer. Richard McCormick, he of My Civil War Obsession fame, has agreed to be secretary, so we have two persons from greater Cincinnati on the board. Bill Penn, who literally wrote the book on Cynthiana during the Civil War, is also on the board, giving the board a person who has name recognition in the community. We also have four folks more local who are passionate about this effort on the board as well. Next steps are now legal...getting the non-profit filing in place, establishing a business account at a local bank, securing a mailing address (which we have been able to do).
You may have noticed that I haven't really posted much about Perryville lately. I still have a passion for Perryville, but after many attempts to communicate with the Friends group as I wanted to do more, yet being, for the most part, ignored, I am putting my preservation efforts into Cynthiana, which is only an hour away. Here I have been able to come in and help get the Foundation off the ground, even though I am not a local. I am still doing tours at Perryville of course (two scheduled in May next year), and will support the battlefield as I can, but my main focus, where I have been welcomed, is Cynthiana. There is so much to do there, the challenges are many, and it should provide quite the opportunity for long term commitment. I really look forward in helping to get the battles more recognized, the area visited by those with an interest in the Civil War, and building a strong team along the way.
Look for more about Cynthiana over the next several months!