Thursday, July 21, 2016

Another Gig with the CWEA!

Okay, I REALLY owe Dave Mowery a beer, or three, or a dozen....

I have been invited to speak by the Civil War Education Association at a new Civil War symposium that will take place in southern Indiana next August (2017).  My new "best" friend, David Mowery, told the fine folks at the CWEA (Bob Maher) that I would make a good speaker to help launch this new Midwest-based symposium.  Sheesh, Dave, no pressure there, considering some of the noted speakers and authors that have been invited!  

Most likely I will give a talk on Perryville, Camp Wild Cat, or my latest passion, Cynthiana.  As the symposium is over a year away, there is plenty of time to develop a topic, and with another year of work perhaps the Cynthiana Battlefields Foundation will be in a place to accept memberships and donations, so talking about the battles at the symposium might generate some interest in supporting the foundation.

This is the location of the to guess the location?  

As with many of my posts, there will be more on this in the future!


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