Monday, February 4, 2013

Home Front is Busiest Front!

What a whirlwind I have been caught up in over the last few days!  The fiancee and I have been looking for a new place...nothing serious, just starting the process to see what is out there.  We found a couple of larger condos across the street from our current location, so we jumped in.  We met with our realtor on a Tuesday night, our place was listed on Wednesday morning, showing and offer came in on Wednesday night, counter offer and acceptance of same Thursday, we looked at new places again on Friday.  Offer put in, counter given, accepted on Saturday.  Home inspections completed by Sunday!  Wow!

What does this have to do with Ohio, Perryville, or even Ohio at Perryville?  Not a lot, or maybe it offers the potential for a less active blog (short term while prepping to move), and a more active blog as we create an office out of the second bedroom.  This should allow me to focus on some of my extra curricular activities a bit more, which includes this blog and Perryville.  I still need to help put together a hiking guide for the battlefield, but since new trails are being added seemingly all the time, anything map I have created may become outdated rather quickly!  Regardless, it is a project I need to push forward with.

More Round Table - The fine chaps at the Cincinnati Civil War Round Table mentioned they would help promote the upcoming fall hike (October there!) via their website, newsletter, and email distribution list.  Maybe I need to get the details to!


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