Thursday, January 12, 2012

Help Save More Land at Perryville!

Another amazing opportunity to save more hallowed ground at Perryville!  These two tracts tie in with existing park lands and lands being preserved by the Civil War Trust.  One area, called the Slaughter Pen, is where the 22nd Indiana had its encounter with a confused Leonidas Polk, who thought the Hoosiers were Confederates who had been firing on friendly troops.  In a bit of bravado and derring-do, General Polk ordered the Hossiers to stop firing and turned and bolding made his way back to his own lines, upon which he claimed "Every mother's son of them are Yankees" and ordered his men to open firing, creating mass casualties in the Yankee regiment.

Go today and help save more vital land at one of the most pristine battlefields remaining in North America.  Click HERE to donate!


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