Sorry for the lame title, with the recent demise of Sherman Helmsley of The Jeffersons fame, the song has been stuck in my head of late...and it does fit the subject of this post!
Recently the fine folks at The Friends of Perryville Battlefield saw fit to do a few things to benefit my "status" within their organization a bit. First, they made me an admin for their Facebook page, and second, they offered to give me the title of "Trailmaster" within their organization. I hope, with my dedication to the Friends' cause, to help them out by spreading the word about Perryville and the opportunities the town and battlefield offers those interested in not only the Civil War, but those interested in visiting the Danville-Harrodsburg-Perryville area. By allowing me to be an admin, I will be able to keep the Facebook page active and fresh (or so I hope), which will allow the other folks to continue their work on the upcoming 150th anniversary.
As for the "Trailmaster" title, I am still awaiting a follow-up response as to what they envision that role will encompass, but as I am already leading hikes on the battlefield one to two times a year, and trying to get some work done on a trail map that is a bit more hiker/visitor friendly, I imagine they will want me to continue to lead hikes and perhaps offer insight on trail design/construction. One thing I would like to do is create a small group of folks who live closer to Perryville than I who would be willing to assist me on hikes, or lead their own. This could branch out into something else as well: official guides for the park. The licensed guides at Gettysburg are a huge asset to that battlefield, and doing something like that on a smaller scale at Perryville could really enhance the visitor's experience. Offering regularly scheduled events will give the public the impression of a well-organized park, which in turn increases visitation. I could talk about ideas for Perryville for days on end, but I won't bore you here. You can read an earlier post about my ideas after my recent Gettysburg visit.
Anyway, I am quite happy to assist the Friends group with the Facebook presence, and to keep the hiking events rolling along. Keep an eye on the blog and the Facebook pages (both the Friends and the Ohio at Perryville) for future events and announcements!